Chinese Transcript
旁白: 梨山茶是高級工藝,要做好,真的很難。
旁白: 做茶有多難,梨山土生土長的茶農,陳孟智最知道。
陳: 在工作的環境下是原始森林,然後跟茶樹一起生長,看看昆蟲,看看
旁白: 說得一派輕鬆,但6年前陳孟智剛回到自家茶園耕作,一季春茶就
陳: 一開始剛銜接的時候,我就是以電腦工程師的方式去做管理也好,製
旁白: 電腦工程師出身的他,千算萬算,算不到老天爺根本不想讓他算,
陳: 在海拔兩千公尺以上高山,它的早晚溫差極大,在製作過程當中你發
旁白: 梨山的好,不只山好,茶好,製茶的工藝更好。
陳: 茶湯顏色,綠中帶黃,就是代表著梨山茶高海拔的香氣與喉韻,你如
旁白: 結合好茶與好工藝,他的梨山茶才真正開花結果。在台灣獲獎無
陳: 我是梨山小孩,我想把梨山茶做好,讓世界因為好茶認識梨山,更認
English Translation
Narrator: Lishan tea is an advanced craft. It is difficult to do it well.
Narrator: Meng-Zi Chen who was raised in Lishan is the best person that
understands how difficult it is to make tea.
Chen: I am working in the primitive forest, and then grew up with tea trees. Take a
look at insects, soil and then think about which flavor of the tea leaf is the one
that we want to serve to the customers in the next season.
Narrator: It was easier said and done. Six years ago, Meng-Zi Chen returned to
cultivate in the tea garden, one season of spring tea is nearly knocking him
Chen: When I just started, I managed it and made it from a computer engineer’s
perspective. However, during the process of tea-making, I found out that it is not as
simple as computer engineering.
Narrator: Chen, a computer engineer, didn’t know that things can be so unpredictable.
The advantage of high altitude would turn into a setback.
Chen: At the mountains above 2000 meters above sea level, the temperature difference
day and night is extremely large. You will find out that weather is an influential
factor during the process of tea-making.
Narrator: The good of LiShan is not only the mountain itself and the tea leaf, tea-making
craftsmanship is way better.
Chen: The color of the tea is green mixed with yellow. It symbolizes the high-altitude
aroma and texture of LiShan tea. If the tea was too raw, there is only aroma without
taste. It is common to see that some people have stomach discomfort.
Narrator: With good tea and good craftsmanship, His Lishan Tea finally blossomed. Have
obtained countless accolades in Taiwan. What’s more, he has received the three-
star crystal trophy certified by the Belgian iTQi for three consecutive years.
Chen: I am from LiShan. I want to make LiShan tea better. Let everyone knows Lishan
through the good tea leaves and knows better about Taiwan as well. And this will
make me satisfied.